In the framework of the project "Strengthening capacity of training traffic police at the PPA and other police training units in Vietnam" funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA ), from February 25th to March 3rd, a PPA delegation led by Colonel, Assoc.Prof. Dr Nguyen Duc Binh, Deputy director of the PPA attended a training course for senior officers from units relating to the JICA project at Tokyo, Japan. Accompanying with the delegation were leaders of The Public Security Force Building General Department and experts from the JICA office.
During the training course, the PPA delegation collected many information relating to structure of Japan police force, process of training traffic police, ways to collecting and processing information relating to traffic accident by experts from the Japan National Police Agency, the Japan National Police Academy, the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI), the National Research Institute of Police Science and the Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis. The information from this course will enhance effectiveness of implementing contents of JICA project, especially establishing the Traffic Accident Research Centre at the PPA.
The PPA delegation visited and worked at the National Research Institute of Police Science
On the occasion, the delegation visited and worked at the Tokyo Traffic Control Centre, one of the most modern traffic control centre at Asia.
The Tokyo Traffic Control Centre