After over a month to prepare and participate elimination round, on April 10th, 2012, the PPA held the final round of good monitor contest with the title: “If I were a head of student management department”.
Beginning from March 1st, 2012, with attractive and useful content which contributes to improving awareness and capacity of monitors in managing classes and building self-governing movement in classes, the contest attracted interest and support of many PPA student. After elimination rounds, there are 9 contestants overcoming the others and attending this final round.
Deputy Director Nguyen Huy Thuat presented flowers for conterstants
At the final round, contestants spent two parts of the contest including commanding public security regulation and competing at the stage with title: “Who am I”, “Excellent manager”, “My aptitude” and “Dialog with us”. With the various competing forms, all contestants had chance to express manner, skill and capacity of class management of monitors, as well as help the board of examiner to assess exactly capacity of managing classes and building self-governing movement in classes of contestants. This is also a preparation for enhancing capacity of class management of monitors to meet requirement of education management at the PPA in the coming time.
Contest part of commanding public security regulation of contestants
At the end of the contest, the first prize and the best public security regulation commander was awarded Bui Quang Hung, class B9.D34; the second prize belonged to Nong Thi Tuoi, class B1.LT7 and Đoan Thi Kim Dung, class B1.D37. Can Van Hung, class B3B.D35 and Nguyen Van Thieu, class B11.D36 were awarded the third prize.
Contest part on the stage of contestants
Xuan Thanh