In the past years, following the policy of the Party, the State and the guidance of the Ministry of Public Security, with the view of becoming the major national standard institution of higher education, the People's Police Academy has been promoting its international relations and cooperation, especially in police training.
So far, PPA has official cooperation with nearly 30 police training institutions and law enforcement agencies in the world. Based on the signed cooperation agreements, PPA conducts training programs in the form of scholarships, short-term and long-term student exchange programs. At present, PPA’s officers and cadets are studying at prestigious universities in the region and in the world.
Up to September 2018, PPA has dispatched 50 officers, cadets studying in PhD, Master, Bachelor and short-term training programs at different universities and police training institutions, such as University of Leeds, United Kingdom; Flinder University, Australia; Mongolia Law enforcement University; Thai Royal Police Cadet Academy; China National Police University; Korean National Police University...
As assessment made by hosting institutions, PPA’s officers and cadets have achieved good results in the academic works and complied with all regulations of the host countries and training institutions. They are united and mutually assisted each other in learning, daily life to overcome difficulties when studying oversea. In addition, officers and students of PPA also actively participate in social activities, cultural exchanges and volunteer activities. Through these activities, they have contributed to promote the Vietnamese images in general and People's Police Academy’s in particular with international friends.
As results of these activities, PPA has enhanced its international cooperation. Consequently, the reputation of the PPA has been increasingly enhanced in the international arena, creating of other opportunities for expanding international cooperation between PPA and other international institutions.
In the second semester of the 2018-2019 academic year, PPA will receive cadets from the People’s Public Security of China and the Korean National Police Academy in the four months exchange program. At the same time, the Academy is waiting for the approval from MPS Minister to receive 02 officers from the Mongolia Law Enforcement University for postgraduate course.
Some images of PPA’s officers and cadets studying oversea:
At the People’s Public Security of China
At the 14th high school named after President Ho Chi Minh in Mongolia
A lesson in Mongolia Law Enforcement University
PPA’s officers studying in Mongolia Law Enforcement University visited Vietnam Embassy in Mongolia
Self-studying in Leeds Universities, UK
A performance of PPA’s cadets in Russia
PPA’s cadets with students of Moscow University
PPA’s cadets in a tactical training at the Royal Police Cadet Academy of Thailand
Greeting the Leaders of the Korean National Police University
International class at Korean National Police University
International Cooperation Department