Vietnamese police officer assigned to join UN peacekeeping force

Deputy Minister of Public Security Lieutenant General Pham The Tung chaired the ceremony.

Deputy Minister Pham The Tung hands over President’s decision to Lieutenant Colonel Trinh Xuan Hien.

Earlier, on August 13th, Party General Secretary and President To Lam, Chairman of the National Defense and Security Council, had signed Decision No. 790 to deploy Lieutenant Colonel Trinh Xuan Hien to the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), Decision No. 791 to extend the term of service of Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Ngoc Hai at the UN Headquarters in New York until August 2025, and Decision No.792 to extend the term of service of three police officers including Lieutenant Colonel Bui Phuong Lan, Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Thu Ha and Major Dinh Manh Cuong at the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) until February 2025.

Deputy Minister Pham The Tung speaks at the ceremony.

Speaking at the ceremony, Deputy Minister Pham The Tung underlined that the deployment of Vietnamese police officers to UN peacekeeping missions is an important milestone in security diplomacy, a step forward made by MPS in international integration, cooperation and comprehensive development, in line with the country’s consistent foreign policy: “Vietnam is a friend, a reliable partner and a responsible member of the international community.”

Lieutenant Colonel Trinh Xuan Hien speaks at the ceremony.

Congratulating the police officer on receiving the President’s latest decision, Deputy Minister Pham The Tung requested Lieutenant Colonel Trinh Xuan Hien to strictly abide by the regulations of the UN peacekeeping mission and the laws of the host country as well as the rules of the Ministry of Public Security regulating officers performing duty overseas, quickly get used to the working environment at UNISFA, closely coordinate with Vietnamese military officers at UNISFA, strengthen friendship with international colleagues, and successfully fulfil all tasks assigned by the UN as well as the Party, State and the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam.

Delegates join group photo.

Speaking at the ceremony, Lieutenant Colonel Trinh Xuan Hien sincerely thanked leaders of the Party, State and the Ministry of Public Security, and pledged to comply with the UN peacekeeping mission’s regulations and work closely with international partners while performing assigned tasks.

By Duy Thanh

Source:  Ministry of Public Security Portal

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