According to the approval from the Ministry of Public Security, on 17th December 2019, the People’s Police Academy of Vietnam (PPA) welcomed the visitation of the delegation from the Korean Central Police Academy (KCPA) led by Senior Inspector Jeon Janghyeon - Director of Field Response Department. On behalf of leaders of the PPA, Major General Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Khang - Vice President of the PPA chaired the meeting along with the attendances from representatives of functional departments.
At the meeting, Vice President of the PPA expressed his warmly welcome the visitation of the delegation and also introduced briefly the development and achievements of the PPA in the sphere of police training and international cooperation. In addition, the Vice President especially emphasized achievements of the cooperation between the PPA and Korean counterparts, such as Korean National Police University, Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) in Vietnam. The discussion between the PPA and the KCPA was focused on the potential cooperation, strengths in police training of each institution in order to proceed the reporting procedural process for the cooperation of two institutions in coming time.
Major General, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of the PPA
From the KCPA, Mr. Jeon expressed his sincere appreciation towards the hospitality of PPA and detailed information of the PPA provided by Mr. Khang and representatives of functional departments of the PPA. The delegation especially impressed with the achievements in the education and international cooperation of the PPA. Mr. Jeon also would apprehend the information discussed during the meeting and proposed the feasible plan for cooperation between two institutions in coming years to the President of KCPA. In addition, the Delegation would like to invite the attendance of the PPA at the ODA workshop on the Project Crime Prevention Through Environment Design - CPTED at the KCPA, Korea expectedly organized in 2020.
Group photo of attenders at the meeting
Further discussion of the delegation with functional departments of the PPA
The delegation paid a visitation to the Center of Professional Training and Practicing
Dung Bui (ICD)