Implementing policy of innovating and developing high-level education and training program of the PPA, under the agreement of the MPS in finding, exchanging and cooperating with the police training units in the world, between 21st-29th April, 2012, the PPA delegation led by Prof.Dr Nguyen Xuan Yem, Director of the PPA, visited and worked with five police training units introduced by the Australian Federal Police including: the Australian Federal Police College (AFP College), The Australian Institute of Police Management (AIPM), the Police College within the Charles Sturt University (CSU), the Criminology and Criminal Justice Department within the Flinder University and the South Australian Police Academy (SAPOL). These units have been considered the top police training currently in Australia.
In this visit, under the support of the Liaison Officer Office of the Australian Federal Police, the PPA delegation worked and discussed directly with the above units on international cooperation on police training at university level and post-graduated level so as to implement affiliate training model at form of “three plus one” at university level. Accordingly, students will learn in 3 years at the PPA and one year at Australia. After finishing the course, students will be awarded police degree by both sides.
The PPA delegation worked with the Charles Sturt University
The PPA delegation visit
was successful, which will create new prospect of international
cooperation on police training of the PPA in the coming time.
The delegation worked with the Australian Federal Police College
Xuan Thanh