Information on new academic and theoretical contributions of thesis of Postgraduate student Vu Duy Long

Thesis title: Researching micro-traces in crime investigation by the Forensic Science force

Major: Criminology and Crime Prevention


Name of PhD student: Vu Duy Long      Course: 18th 

Scientific title, degree and full name of the supervisors:
1. Prof. Dr. Ngo Sy Hien
2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Duong Van Minh

Name of training institute: The People's Police Academy - Ministry of Public Security

New contributions of the thesis:
The thesis is a systematic and comprehensive study of micro-traces and micro-traces research in criminal investigation by the Forensic Science force.
- The thesis clarifies, supplements and develops theory on micro-traces in criminal investigation by the Forensic Science force such as: concept, characteristics, forming mechanism, system of micro-trace that exist in the crime scene; Concepts, principles and roles of micro-traces research in criminal investigations; methods and means of conducting micro-traces research in criminal investigation by the Forensic Science force.
- The thesis analyzes and evaluates the status of micro-traces research in criminal investigation by the Forensic Science force, achieved results, limitations, shortcomings, clarification of limitations and the causes of those limitations.
- Based on theoretical and practical issues, the thesis provides prediction and solutions to improve the effectiveness of micro-traces research in criminal investigation by the Forensic Science force.

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