To accomplish
sucessfully the mission of work, contribute to building the PPA to become the
key national university in 2018, on April 7th, 2016, the PPA’s Faculty
of Law organised the signing ceremony of MoU with the Faculty of Law of Vietnam
National University (VNU).
Attending the
signing ceremony, there were Major General, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Ngoc Ha, Vice
President of the PPA; the leadership of law faculty, Secretary of Youth Union Branch
and Chairwoman of Women Union of two units. the presence of Colonel, Prof. Dr.
Duong Minh Gioi - Head of Postgraduate Training Faculty of the PPA together
with the leading professors of the Faculty of law of VNU.
Head of Faculty of Law of the PPA and Head of Faculty
of Law of the VNU
signed the MoU
In the past
time, work of exchanging the law lecturers of two schools was implemented. However,
this was only a simple activity between lecturers and it didn’t show activity
of comprehensive coordination in all fields of training activity clearly.
Therefore, to foster and enhance the quality of teaching, training of two schools,
it is nescessary to launch the signing of cooperation between the two sides.
On the basis of
the ideas, two units implemented the comprehensive cooperation signing on many fields:
- Exchanging lecturers
of two faculties, on all subjects about Law.
- Scientific researching
activites, curriculum exchanging.
- Cooperation in
the field of writing curricula, reference books.
- Cooperation in
training students of the civilian branch, criminal justice speciality as well
as in teaching activity of faculty of postgraduate training between two universities.
The delegates took memorial photos at the signing ceremony
Ending the
ceremony, the leadership of two units presented the souvenirs and a bunch of fresh
flowers together, expressed their desire of promoting futher cooperative
activities to evaluate the solidarity, coordination between the Faculty of Law
of the PPA and the VNU in particular, the PPA and the VNU in general.
Written by Nguyen Van Hieu
Translated by NS