On March 31st, 2017, the PPA held the competition of Excellent Class
Group Leaders and the Model Class on execution of the Public Security regulations.
This activity aimed at implementing the plan of the Politics General Department
on the organization of activities to promote the movement of good teaching, study
and practice in the police training institutions.
By holding the competition, the Organizing Board wanted to improve
the understanding and skills of the class group leaders in the management and
implementation of self-management in study and practice; raise the awareness,
responsibility, discipline of students in complying with the Public Security regulations.
From that point, the PPA will build the model classes on execution of the
Public Security regulations, continue to effectively implement the campaign “The
Public Security force seriously abides by the regulation, builds cultural
lifestyle to serve the people” and the Directive No.05 of the Ministry of
Public Security to further promote the movement “The Public Security force studies
and implements the six things taught by Uncle Ho” for the period 2013 - 2018.
The Judge kept a close
watch on the competition
After the elimination, the Organizing Board selected the best
individuals and collectives to attend the final. The final consisted of two
parts: the parade command, platoon management; arrangement of internal order,
the hygiene of hostel, the lecture halls and the assigned areas.
The class group leader
answered the question of the Judge
Final result of the competition:
- The first prize belongs to class B9 - D40.
- The second prizes: class B3B - D40; B14 - D41.
- The third prizes: class B13 - D42; B2A - LT31; D28 Laos.
- The encouraging prizes: class B5 - D41; B9 - D42; B9 - LT32 and
The class performed parade
Through the competition, the class group leaders and students of
courses have better understanding of the regulations of the PPA and the
Ministry of Public Security on the serious implementation of the Public
Security regulations. The competition also helps the management units to take
measures and orientation to improve the class group leaders and manage the
classes to enhance the effectiveness of the execution of the Public Security
regulations of the PPA’s students.