Study tour to Japan of PPA’s JICA coordinators
The delegation from the PPA vs Mr. Sugiryo Taro, Vietnam – Japan

The delegation consisted of 10 members, led by Major General Đinh Huu Phuong, Deputy Head of Force Building General Department and head of project coordinating board. Together with the coordinators, a member of the managing board, some department leaders and teachers of Traffic Police Department of the PPA also joined the tour.

On the basis of the schedule set up by the Japanese counterpart, during their time in Japan, members of the delegation had chance to be briefed on the following issues: methods to improve people’s awareness of traffic safety in Japan; traffic controls on highways; Japanese police’s methods to handle traffic violations; traffic accident examination training to traffic police; traffic accident database and analysis using that database; traffic police training programs of the Traffic Police Department under Japanese National Police Academy and the Traffic Police Training Department under the Tokyo Police Academy. In addition, the delegation also experienced real lessons on driving skill training to traffic police.

The experiences were gained from the study-tour to Japan of the delegation will be very important and helpful information to implement effectively the project on strengthening Traffic Police Training at the PPA and other police training institutions in Vietnam, which is sponsored by the Japanese Government (JICA).

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