Minister Luong Tam Quang attends People’s Police Academy’s opening ceremony of 2024 – 2025 school year

Delivering his opening speech, President of the People’s Police Academy Lieutenant General Tran Minh Huong Prof., Dr., underlined that, thanks to the sound leadership of the Public Security Central Party Committee and leaders of the Ministry of Public Security as well as close coordination of ministries, branches, sectors and localities, all the officials, teaching staff and students of the academy have successfully fulfilled all assigned tasks of the 2023 – 2024 school year.

Minister Luong Tam Quang reviews Guard of Honor.

For their outstanding achievements in the 2023 – 2024 school year, many collectives and individuals of the academy have been awarded noble titles and prizes.

Speaking at the ceremony, Minister Luong Tam Quang praised the People’s Police Academy for the outstanding results of teaching and learning in the 2023 – 2024 school year.

Lieutenant General Tran Minh Huong delivers opening speech.

Regarding its general work plan for the 2024 – 2025 school year of the academy, the Minister requested the academy continue playing its pioneering role in education and training among the Public Security Forces by creating practical and effective breakthroughs in its teaching and learning.

Minister Luong Tam Quang asked the academy to strongly renovate training programs, teaching methods and administration in a scientific, modern, synchronous and interconnected manner, catching up with the country’s international integration process regarding security and order and meeting requirements for crime prevention and control and building of the Public Security Forces in the new situation.

Minister Luong Tam Quang addresses the ceremony.

The Minister also requested that the academy continue to take the lead in digital transformation, building the “Smart People’s Police Academy” model in line with digital transformation, big data management as well as developing digital education, smart education, innovative education and education adapted to artificial intelligence.

Minister Luong Tam Quang also requested the academy’s students to continually strengthen political will, enhance moral qualities, equip themselves with sufficient professional knowledge and skills, so that they can become qualified police officers after graduating from the academy, to meet the increasing requirements for the task of ensuring security and order.

Minister Luong Tam Quang kicks the drum to open the 2024 – 2025 school year.

By Duy Thanh

Source: Ministry of Public Security Portal

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