On April 2nd 2018, the People’s Police Academy organized a meeting with the delegation from the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Hanoi led by Mr. Lee Chul - Minister Counselor. Maj. Gen. Tran Minh Chat - Vice President of PPA chaired the meeting, there were also the presences of representatives of Department of International Cooperation, Administration Office of the Academy and Centre for Achieves and Library.
The meeting was organized based on the suggestion from the Embassy of Republic of Korea in order to review on grant aid programs implemented at Vietnam to improve the quality of the programs and to draw lessons for future ODA projects which has the Project of “Establishment of E-Library at the People’s Police Academy”.
At the meeting, Mr. Lee Chul expressed his sincere thanks to the active cooperation and facilitation of PPA for Korean agencies to complete the programs, projects of the Republic of Korea’s government at Vietnam, especially within the framework of the Project of Establishment of E-library at PPA.
On behalf of leaders of PPA, Maj. Gen. Tran Minh Chat welcomed delegation of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to PPA. Mr. Chat appreciated the effective contribution and continuous supports from Korean International Cooperation Agencies (KOICA) in the completion of the Project within its progress.
At present, the Project has been officially utilizing effectively in order to serve the requirements of the training and education of the Academy. In addition, via The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Hanoi, Mr. Chat also proposed the Republic of Korea’s Government for a continuity of the implementation of the Project “Establishment of E-library at PPA” into the second phase or other grant aid programs in order to enhance to the infrastructure of PPA’s library by supplementary equipping modern devices, IT software. The expansion of the Project would facilitate PPA in performing the professional tasks in management and administration and strengthening the human resource capacity of the Academy in near future.
After the meeting, delegates had visited the 12-floor library to have a comprehensive view on the success of the Project at PPA.
Trung Dung