On November 28th, 2017, at the PPA, the General Political Department of the People’s Public Security held a ceremony to announce the Decision of Minister of Public Security on appointing Colonel, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Cong Nguyen as Vice President of the PPA.
Attending and leading the ceremony were Lieutenant General Nguyen Xuan Muoi - Deputy General Director of the General Political Department of People's Public Security; members of Party Committee, Board of Directors of PPA and representatives of functional departments, mass organizations of the PPA.
The Party Committee, the Board of Director of the PPA gave flowers to congratulate Colonel, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Cong Nguyen
At the ceremony, as authorized by the Minister of Public Security, leader of the General Political Department of Public Security, Lieutenant General Nguyen Xuan Muoi gave the Decision of Minister of Public Security on appointing the Colonel, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Cong Nguyen as Vice President of the PPA. Lieutenant General Nguyen Xuan Muoi affirmed that Colonel, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Cong Nguyen was trained basically, matured in the practical work of the Public Security. In particular, Colonel Pham Cong Nguyen worked at the PPA, was enthusiastic, experienced in leadership, teaching and scientific research.
At the ceremony, Colonel Nguyen Van Trung, Director of Ha Nam Public Security, emphasized: During the period of assignment as the Deputy Director of the Police Department of Ha Nam province, Colonel, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Cong Nguyen always excellently completed the assigned tasks, contributing to the strength of national security. With the new position, Colonel, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Cong Nguyen will prove the capacity, well accomplished the task of education and training management at the PPA.
Representatives for leaders of functional departments congratulated new Vice President of the PPA
Speaking to receive new position, Colonel, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Cong Nguyen promised to continue to train his political skill and revolutionary virtues, further improve his exemplary lifestyle, internal solidarity, strive to overcome any difficulties to successfully completing all assigned tasks to be worthy of the trust of the Party, State, of the Public Security force and the PPA.