On November 3rd, 2017, PPA and General Department of Logistics - Techniques of People’s Public Security co-organized the scientific workshop "The 4.0 revolution and the problems posed to education and training in the People's Public Security force".
At the conference, there were Sen Lt. Gen Suh Bumsoo - President of the Korean National Police University; Mr. Kim Jinoh - Director of Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA); Colonel Roger Brown - Chief of the Australian Federal Police Liaison Officer in Vietnam. On behalf of the Vietnamese delegation, there were Sen Lt. Gen, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Thanh - Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Public Security; Representatives of the functional units under the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education and Training, the Central Theoretical Council and the State Council for Professor title; Representatives of the General Departments, High Command, Departments and Institutes under the Ministry of Public Security; representatives of the Police Boards of the provinces and municipalities, leaders of Academies, schools, science inside and outside the Ministry. On behalf of PPA, there were Lt Gen, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem, President of the Academy; comrades in Party Committee, Board of Directorate of PPA; Leaders of functional units and a large number of officers and lecturers of the Academy.
"We are moving towards a technological revolution, which fundamentally changes our way of life, our working style and our way of communicating. In terms of scope, level and complexity, this shift is not the same as anything that people have experienced." That is confirmed by Prof. Klaus Schwab, chairman of the Davos World Economic Forum, who launched the Fourth Industrial Revolution concept - the main theme of the world's largest economic forum in 2016. World Economic Forum 2016 - The 10th edition of the Davos Summer Forum was opened on June 27th, 2016 in Tianjin, China, under the theme "The 4th Industrial Revolution and Impacts" with the attendance of approximately 1,700 politicians, businessman, academics and media representatives from more than 90 countries and regions.
International delegates spoke at the scientific workshop
Industrial revolution has had a great impact on all subjects, sectors and fields in all aspects. The first industrial revolution used water and steam to mechanize production; The second revolution took place through the application of electricity to mass production; The third revolution used electronics and information technology to automate production. Today, the world is in the process of the 4th Industrial Revolution and is enjoying the early achievements of this revolution. It is an universal Internet, self-driving devices, three-dimensional printing technology (3D printing), information storage is not limited; Multi-modal global connection...
In terms of nature, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a digital revolution, through technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), social networking, cloud computing, mobile, large data analysis (SMAC)... to transform the whole real world into digital world.
In this trend, the fields of politics, security and many other areas are also affected strongly. Many new and complex issues are posed in the process of ensuring security and order, such as non-traditional security issues, non-traditional crime, such as high-tech crime, transnational-organized crime, taking advantage of security breaches in cyberspace to commit crimes, propagandizing wrongdoings, opposing the Party's policies and laws of the State; propagating cultural depravities, degrading traditional ethic values; fraud in cyberspace… Therefore, the problem of prevention and fight against crime in the current period is extremely complex. Facing with this reality, it requires the public security force to make necessary and continuous improvement of political qualities, especially the capability to work, acquire, upgrade and gain knowledge of technology and exploiting effective technology elements into the practical fight against crime in the new situation.
Overview on Scientific workshop
In order to solve the above problems, PPA has cooperated with the General Department of Logistics - Techniques of People’s Public Security to organize scientific workshop to understand the nature as well as making the most of opportunities through the difficulties and challenges of the 4.0 industrial revolution, to effectively serve the crime prevention and fight.
The Scientific Workshop has received many articles from leaders and scientists inside and outside the Ministry. The articles focused on analyzing the characteristics and nature of the 4.0 Revolution, the effects and application of the achievements of 4.0 Revolution in ensuring security and order in general, education and training in the Public Security in particular.
Presentations on Virtual Reality Technology of the Ministry of National Defense's Center for Scientific and Technological Application
At the workshop, delegates focused on clarifying the following contents:
- Identification of the 4.0 revolution;
- The impact of the 4.0 revolution on the security and order;
- Ability and practical application of the achievements of the 4.0 Revolution into education and training in the Public Security;
- Making proposals to authorized agencies in order to soon have policies on training and policies on science and technology; actively exploit the results of the 4.0 revolution in public security schools.
At the workshop, Senior Lt. General, Assoc, Prof, Dr. Nguyen Van Thanh, member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Public Security, delivered a speech on "The 4th Industrial Revolution - posed problems in the People’s Police education and training." It underlines that the 4.0 Revolution is developing at an unprecedented rate, creating a new wave of high technology, creating conditions for high-tech crime, and the rise of biological weapons, automatic weapons... has transnational influence. On the other hand, the 4.0 Revolution will strengthen national security with the support of technology if the state administration system is flexible enough to manage and work closely with businesses and citizens. In the speech, the Deputy Minister also pointed out the challenges and requirements for education and training in the People's Police, as well as proposed some solutions to capture the development trend of 4.0 Revolution.
Lt. Gen, Prof, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem spoke at the workshop
Speaking at the scientific workshop, Lt. Gen, Prof, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem, President of the PPA once again confirmed the importance of applying the scientific and technological achievements of the 4.0 revolution to the education and training of the People’s Police in general and the PPA in particular. Thus, emphasizing the determination of the staffs, lecturers and students of the Academy in learning, teaching and scientific research, contributing to the establishment of a modern and smart Academy, becoming a national key university in 2019.
The delegates took commemorative photo