On September 15th, 2017, the PPA in coordination with the General Department of Customs held a workshop on “Prevention and suppression against smuggling on waterways”.
Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem - President of the PPA and Mr. Nguyen Van Can - General Director General Department of Customs co-chaired the workshop.
Attending the workshop were Mr. Nguyen Cong Binh, Deputy General Director of the General Department of Customs; Dr. Nguyen Phi Hung, Director of the Anti-Smuggling Investigation Department; Dr. Quach Dang Hoa, Director of the Risk Management Department; representatives of departments, research institutes under the General Department of Customs; representatives of the leaders of the Traffic Police Department, the Police Department for Prevention and suppression against Smuggling; leaders of professional divisions and police department of the provinces nationwide. As for the PPA were Senior Colonel, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dac Hoan, Vice President and the leaders of the functional units of the Academy.
In recent years, the situation of smuggling in general and smuggling in waterways in particular has been complicated, increased in the number of cases, the value of goods and the diversity of participants. Especially, smugglers are constantly changing the means and using sophisticated tricks to commit crimes.
To overcome this challenge, it is necessary to have breakthrough solutions to improve the effectiveness of prevention and suppression against smuggling on the waterways, contributing to social stability and economic development.
Overview of Scientific Workshop
The purpose of workshop is to clarify the specific issues as follows:
- Perfect the system of legal documents in the prevention and suppression of smuggling on waterways; amend and supplement some shortcomings;
- Assess the reality of prevention and fight against smuggling on waterways in areas with complex trafficking crimes;
- Assess the coordination, assignment and arrangement of forces between the Waterway Police, Customs and other forces in the prevention and fight against smuggling on waterways;
- Analyze difficulties and inadequacies in the suppression of this crime.
Representatives discussed at the workshop
From these analyses, the delegates proposed the synchronous solutions, including the direction, leadership and implementing the specific solutions to improve the effectiveness of prevention and fight against smuggling on waterways.
Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem - President of the PPA delivered a speech at the workshop
At the workshop, the experts, researchers, administrators and practical officers of the General Department of Customs, Traffic Police Department, Waterway Police Division, Traffic Police Division of the provincial police departments assessed the situation of the criminal prevention and suppression of the functional agencies; shortcomings in the legal system; difficulties and obstacles in the implementation of prevention, suppression and solutions to improve the effectiveness in the coming time, etc.
Participants took memorial photo at the workshop
Speaking at the workshop, Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem - President of the PPA highly appreciated the opinions of the experts in the workshop and confirmed the positive comments would be recognized and soon deployed. The President of the PPA suggested the specialized units to cooperate in finding more effective measures to improve the effectiveness of prevention and fight against smuggling on waterways.