On September 26th, 2017, the PPA held solemnly the Opening Ceremony of the academic year 2017 - 2018. Attending the Ceremony were H.E. Senior Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr. To Lam - Member of Politburo of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Secretary of Central Public Security Party Committee, Minister of Public Security; Lieutenant General Nguyen Thanh Nam, Deputy General Director of General Department of Politics; representatives of the General Departments, Departments and Institutions of the Ministry of Public Security; elder teachers and distinguished domestic and international guests.
President Tran Dai Quang, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Minister of Education and Training Phung Xuan Nha and Minister of Defense, General Ngo Xuan Lich sent flowers to congratulate.
As for the PPA were Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem, President of the PPA; the members of the Party Committee, the Directorate of the PPA and all officers, lecturers, employees and students of the PPA, especially the 370 new students of course D43.
Parade at the Opening ceremony of the academic year 2017 - 2018
At the Opening ceremony, Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem, President of the PPA delivered the speech. He stressed that the academic year 2016 - 2017 had a lot of significant events of the Party, the Nation, the Public Security force and the PPA. Grasping thoroughly the motto “Renovation -Activeness - Discipline - Responsibility - Efficiency” of the Ministry of Public Security, the Party Committee, Directorate of the PPA determined the theme of the academic year 2016 - 2017 is the “Standardization - Computerization - Modernization” with the slogan “4 emulations - 3 breakthroughs”. Thereby, the PPA made the great achievements in all aspects.
The education and training during the academic year 2016 - 2017 has a number of breakthroughs, gained the important meaningful results by 2 main solutions: combining the theory and the reality; enhancing the international cooperation. Training model of credit system is implemented effectively, 90% students of course D38 graduating from the Academy gained the good training results.
The PPA is the first police training institutions that implements the “initial semester” on the basis of experiences from the training institutions of People's Army force, the Public Security force and the police training institutions in the world. This semester lasts 6 months to the students of regular training program and 1,5 months to the students of inter-university and in-service training programs is improved.
The PPA held the political - social practice period for more than 1,100 students of the course D41, D26 Laos and the 2nd course of the Criminal Justice specialty at Nam Dan district, Nghe An province and more than 1,000 students of the course D42, D27 Laos and the 3rd course of the Criminal Justice specialty at Que Son district, Quang Nam province. This has been 10 years PPA implemented the model of socio-political practice which is designed for the first year students to carry out “3 togethers” - Eating, living, working togethers with the local people. This effective model has been scaled up in the police training institutions.
H.E. Senior Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr. To Lam - Minister of Public Security assigned tasks for the PPA in the new academic year 2017 - 2018
The PPA has continued to attach importance to the training of officer and regarded it as one of 3 breakthroughs. Up to September, 2017, the PPA has 12 Professors, 44 Associate Professors, 202 Doctors, over 400 Masters and more than 200 Major Lecturers. Now, the PPA has the highest number of highly qualified lecturers among the police training institutions of the Public Security force.
The PPA is officially launched the E-PPA Management System. It is the first time for a police training institutions to apply this advanced system. The PPA is one of few universities in Vietnam to install the IQ boards at all lecture halls, contributing to enhancing the teaching capacity of lecturers and acquiring ability of students.
With the significant achievements in the academic year 2016 - 2017, the PPA has awarded the Emulation Flag of the Government.
To build the PPA to become a modern institution, keep pace with the trend of Revolution 4.0, strive to become the key training institution of the Nation, the PPA has defined the theme of the academic year 2017 - 2018: “Building the Smart PPA” with 4 mainstays: E-PPA, IT and IOT application, Smart lecture hall, E-Library, the slogan of the academic year: “4 emulations - 2 breakthroughs”, in details: “4 Emulations” include Emulation in good management; Emulation in good teaching, good learning; Emulation in good scientific research; Emulation in good service and “3 Breakthroughs” include Breakthrough in building lecturers, training managers and scientific researchers; breakthrough in building the smart PPA.
Speaking at the Opening ceremony, H.E. Senior Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr. To Lam - Minister of Public Security highly appreciated the dynamism, initiative and creativity of the PPA and warmly praised the outstanding achievements of the PPA in recent times.
The Minister of Public Security stressed: “During the academic year 2016 - 2017, the Public Security Force had completed the task of education and training; increased profound perception of the central perspective on renovation of education and training; gradually standardized the lecturers, built the outcome standards for the students; expanded the cooperation in training, gradually approached the general trend of the region and the world. In the overall results, there was the important contribution of the PPA”.
H.E. Senior Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr. To Lam - Minister of Public Security presented the Emulation Flag to the PPA
Minister To Lam confirmed: “The PPA’s achievements in the training and fostering of police officers over the years has contributed to the achievements of the entire Public Security force in the Cause of ensuring the security and order, serving for the development of economy - society of the country”.
Besides, the Minister determined: Currently, the trend of globalization and international integration had been more deeply and widely, the situation of politics- security of the region and the world had the complex happenings. The risk of non-traditional security, especially cyber warfare, water security, energy security, food security, environmental pollution, climate change, etc. increased. The emergence of new types of crime with sophisticated methods and tricks made difficult to prevent. The task of protecting national security, ensuring social order and security in the new situation required building the really stainless and strong Public Security force to meet the requirements and tasks under circumstance of extensive international integration; so, the education and training played the very important role.
Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem, President of the PPA spoke at the opening ceremony
To well perform the task of education and training, contributing to building the revolutionary, regular, elite and gradually modern Public Security force, the Minister suggested the PPA to continue to renovate more powerfully, profoundly, promote the position of leading center for training and research of the Public Security force; be profound aware of the current situation, the challenges for task of education, training in general and the political tasks of the PPA in particular. The PPA had to master, apply exactly the positions, orientations, contents of education renovation; make plans, schedule of training and fostering the lecturers, education managers how to be sufficient quantity, improve quality and ensure continuity and development; continue to renovate the training methods towards centered-learner teaching, heightening the self-taught, promoting the creative thinking ability and practical capability of students, etc.
On behalf of the Party Committee, the Directorate of the PPA, Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem, President of the PPA thanked the guidance of Minister To Lam and confirmed that the PPA need to focus on implementing and fulfilling these key directives, tasks and objectives in the near future.
The President of the PPA stressed that in the new academic year 2017 - 2018, with the motto of “Proving tradition - Solidarity, Discipline, Comprehensive Renovation - Toward Future”, the PPA would continue to comprehensively renovate the education, training and scientific research, determine to build the PPA to become the high quality center for training, scientific research of the Public Security force. At the same time, the President hoped to continue to receive the attention and guidance of the Party Central Committee of Public Security, leaders of Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of Education and Training on the route to be the modern police training institution in the region and around the world.
The delegates cut the ribbon to inaugurate the Multipurpose Stadium of the PPA
On the occasion, the PPA held the Inaugurating ceremony of the Multipurpose Stadium. This is the key meaningful work to celebrate 50 years of the PPA establishment. The Stadium has built to meet the training demand, improve the physical strength of officers and students of the PPA.
The Multipurpose Stadium of the PPA has 1,100 seats, includes: Football ground with the area of 4,500m2, Athletic ground with the area of 2,546m2, Volleyball ground with the area of 162m2, Stand with the area of 745m2. The Stadium ensures the building techniques, arts and quality according to the latest construction standards in Vietnam.