On July 23th, 2018, the PPA solemnly held the Closing Ceremony, presenting the Degrees to 310 students of criminal justice specialty, school year 2014 - 2018.
Attending the closing ceremony were Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem, President of the PPA; Major General, Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of the PPA; Mr. Dao Ba Son, Deputy Chief Judge of Hanoi People's Court; representatives of the School of Law - Vietnam National University, Hanoi; Faculty of Criminal Law - Hanoi Law University; the parents and all students of the first course of criminal justice specialty.
Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem, President of the PPA spoke at the ceremony
During 4 years of training, under the attention and direction from the Ministry of Public Security, the General Department of Politics, the direct guidance of the PPA’s Board of Directors, the students of the first course of criminal justice specialty completed the training program with outstanding results.
Students of criminal justice specialty at the closing ceremony
At graduation, 98% of the students met the outcome standard on politics, which means being enrolled in the Communist Party of Vietnam or completed a cognitive training course on the Party. This remarkable result created the advantages for students when graduating from the PPA, meeting the requirements of agencies, enterprises especially the ones within home affairs, judiciary and law enforcement areas.
At the end of the course, 81/310 students were awarded as excellent students (account for 26%), 229/310 were awarded as good students (account for 74%). 100% of students met the standard of professional knowledge, communication and presentation skills; 98% of them met the standards of politics, informatics, foreign languages; 90% met the standards of car driving, 99% granted the certificates of national defense education.
Major General, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of the PPA presented Certificates of merit to the students for the outstanding achievements
Speaking at the ceremony, Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem, President of the PPA congratulated 310 new law bachelors who successfully completed the training program. The PPA President also expressed the thank to the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Public Security, the General Department of Politics for the attention and direction; thanked the other units inside and outside the police force for the cooperative relationship with the PPA.
Major General, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of the PPA spoke at the ceremony
At the ceremony, Major General, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of the PPA warmly praised the efforts and results of all students of criminal justice specialty. “The new bachelors should constantly cultivate themselves and follow the moral example of Ho Chi Minh, show the roles and responsibilities to the community, express the enthusiasm and aspirations of the youth, dedicate to the Cause of building and defending the fatherland”, the PPA Vice President reminded.
The remarkable results of the first course of criminal justice specialty have contributed to affirming the training quality and brand name of the PPA - the key training institution of the Public Security force, the unit was twice recognized the title Hero of the People's Armed Forces.