On March 27th 2018, the People’s Police Academy organized a scientific conference “The Quality Assurance and Training Testing at the People's Police Academy towards the goal of becoming a focal institution of higher education, achieving the nation’s standard”. Major General, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Khang - Vice President of the Academy chaired the conference.
Attending the conference were Major General Dr. Nguyen Van Ly - Director of Training Department, Ministry of Public Security; Dr. Truong Thi To Nga - Quality Management Department, Ministry of Education and Training; Representatives from the Public Security schools and leaders of the functional units of the People's Police Academy.
Over the past five years, under the close supervision of the Party Committee, the Directorate of the Academy, the quality assurance and training testing at the People's Police Academy has gradually gone into order and discipline; many teaching units have actively renovated the model of examination and evaluation in order to properly assess the capacity, quality and efforts of the trainees in the course of studying and practicing. The feedback of students is taken to ensure the democratic principle in the training process; the communication channel between "training institution - trainees - users of training products" has been established, expressing the action motto “Initiative, Innovation, Discipline, Responsibility and Effective” set out by the Academy.
However, facing the trend of international integration; especially the striking development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0; the strong innovation of national and international higher education, the quality assurance and training testing at the People's Police Academy still has certain limitations, affecting severely the path to turn the academy into the national standard institution in 2019.
Facing with that situation, the People's Police Academy held a scientific conference entitled “The Quality Assurance and Training Testing at the People's Police Academy towards the goal of becoming a focal institution of higher education, achieving the nation’s standard”, to meet and revise the success and shortcomings after 5 years of implementation, to propose some solutions and recommendations to improve the quality of examinations, quality assurance, soon to turn the academy into the nation's standard higher education institution by 2019.
At the conference, the delegates listened to 12 reports by participants from the Training Department; Training Testing Center, Hanoi National University; The People’s Security Academy; The People’s Police Logistics-Technique University ... with contents related to the completion and issuance of regulations on checking, managing the exam databank, quality assurance, criteria of national standard universities and solutions to improve the effect of this work in the coming time.
Summarizing the Conference, Major General, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Khang – Vice President of the Academy appreciated the comments of scientists and experts; At the same time, the positive comments will be acknowledged and soon implemented in the future.

Representatives take commemorative photo
However, for the further development of the quality assurance and training testing at the People’s Police Academy, Major General, Assoc Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Khang suggested functional units in the academy should focus on some of the following contents:
For the training testing: The Quality Assurance and Training Testing Division should quickly complete and issue regulations on management and use of the final exam data bank; at the same time, advising the Party Committee, the Directorate on the issuance of legal regulations on the quality assurance at the Academy in the coming time.
For the quality assurance: Research, build content for external assessment, quality assurance of education, criteria of national standard universities to advise the Directorate about assigning external evaluation conditions to the People's Police Academy and self-evaluation according to the new criteria of the Ministry of Education and Training and the guidance of the Ministry of Public Security.
Continue to collect feedback from the local units on the quality of students after graduation, as well as feedback from students who graduated about the program and the quality of training, from which to adjust and supplement in time.
Carry out the examination and supervision of the teaching activities of the classes inside and outside the Academy periodically, irregularly or regularly in the school year; at the same time, continue to deploy the re-marking of final tests to assess objectively and comprehensively about training quality; arranging regularly, periodically in each semester of the school year.