Under the approval of the Leaders of the Ministry of Public Security about continuing the English Fellow Project 2018 supported by the U.S. Embassy, the People’s Police Academy (PPA) had a meeting with Ms. Diane Millar, Director of RELO and English Fellow in March 08, 2018.
Maj. Gen. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Khang - Vice President of PPA chaired the meeting, attended by representatives of Department of International Cooperation, Administration Office of the Academy and Department of Foreign Languages.
Attending the meeting, Maj. Gen. Dang Xuan Khang welcomed the new English fellow and RELO. He reviewed remarkable achievements from the cooperation between PPA and RELO - the English Fellow Project. Maj. Gen. Dang Xuan Khang appreciated the effective and practicality of these activities for lecturers, students and officers of PPA in specific and for People’s Police Force in general. He expressed the thankfulness to RELO, the U.S. Embassy for the efficient collaborations and supporting to PPA in term of training police in English; looking forward new activities in future.
Major General, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of PPA presented a souvenir gift to Ms. Diane Millar and Ms. Jean Roberta Cook
At the meeting, Ms. Diane Millar highly appreciated the cooperation with PPA and introduced Ms. Jean Roberta Cook – new English fellow of the English Fellow Project funded by United States Department of State. Ms. Jean Roberta Cook will work at PPA in 2018. Ms. Diane Millar was also looking forward to the new collaboration in future as well as PPA’s supporting for new English fellow.
After the meeting with Maj. Gen. Dang Xuan Khang, the delegation of RELO worked with the representatives of Department of International Cooperation and Department of Foreign Language about detail plan for English Fellow Project 2018.
The representatives of the meeting