In the academic year 2017 - 2018, the PPA has coordinated with the Fund for the Development of Vietnam, the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam and the Lien Viet Post Bank to built 23 gratitude houses for families under preferential benefit treatment policy in Quang Nam.
Recently, delegation led by Colonel, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dac Hoan - Vice president of PPA coordinated with Quang Nam provincial Public Security, donors and local authorities to hold the ceremony to donate gratitude houses in Dien Ban and Que Son districts, Quang Nam province.
It is known that five houses donated to Dien Ban town's people were built with funding of 350 million VND from the PPA, Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam and Lien Viet Post Bank. Five houses were donated to the people of Que Son district funded of 250 million VND from the Fund for the Advancement of Vietnamese People and the PPA.
Charity Delegation of the PPA
Up to date, a total of 23 houses have been handed over to households by the PPA and donors. This is a great gift that helping families overcome difficulties to stabilize their life.