Information on new academic and theoretical contributions of thesis of Postgraduate student Bui Quoc Tuan

Name of the Thesis: The prevention crimes of property robbery on the road traffic route in the Northern Cities and Provinces

Major: Criminology and Crime Prevention


Full name: Bui Quoc Tuan        Course: 20

Titles and Full Name of the Supervisors:

1. Prof. Dr. Tran Minh Huong

2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Nguyen Quan

Training Institution: People's Police Academy

The thesis has presented the following new academic contributions:

1. This is the first comprehensive and systematic research on the theory and practice of the prevention crimes of property robbery on the road traffic route in the Northern Cities and Provinces. The thesis has developed the theoretical system on the crime of property robbery and the prevention works on the road traffic route in the perspective of the criminal police force. Particularly, the thesis has presented researches and make introduction of the characteristics of the prevention of property robbery on the road traffic route.

2. The thesis has analyzed and demonstrated the criminological characteristics of the prevention crimes of property robbery on the road traffic route in the Northern Cities and Provinces as well as the situation of crime prevention and presented the works of multi-sectors coordination in preventing the crime of the prevention crimes of property robbery on the road traffic route in the Northern Cities and Provinces under the function of criminal police force.

3. The thesis has surveyed the practical situation and presented the results of the application of measures to prevent crimes of property robbery on the road traffic route in the Northern Cities and Provinces; identified the advantages as well as the shortcomings, and the causes of these shortcomings in the works of criminal police force. Based on which, the thesis has proposed several recommendations and proposals to enhance the effectiveness of the prevention on this type of crime in the coming time.

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