Information on new academic and theoretical contributions of thesis of Postgraduate student Bui Ngoc Hoa

Thesis title: Appellate adjudication of criminal cases in Vietnam to meet the requirements of crime prevention and combat

Specialized: Criminology and Criminal Prevention


Full name of fellow: Bui Ngoc Hoa                 Course: 20

Training facility: People's Police Academy, Ministry of Public Security

Scientific titles, academic degrees and supervisor names:

1. Assoc.Prof.Dr Pham Ngoc Ha

2. Assoc.Prof.Dr Dang Thu Hien

New contributions of the thesis:

The thesis is a comprehensive and systematic scientific research project on the appellate trial of criminal cases in Vietnam to meet the requirements of crime prevention and combat with the following new points:

1. The thesis has systemized and analysed to clarify theoretical issues on the appellate trial of criminal cases such as: concept, jurisdiction, subject, scope and principles; the notion of appellate trial of criminal cases to meet the requirements of the crime prevention and combat; criteria for evaluating and organizing the appellate trial of criminal cases to meet the requirements of crime prevention and combat;

2. Analysing factors affecting the appellate trial of criminal cases such as the system of Courts with appellate jurisdiction, quantity and quality of judges, appellate adjudication over the past few years, inspection and supervisions activities. Studying and making scientific conclusions on the situation of appellate trial of criminal cases in order to meet the requirements of the crime prevention and combat at the People's Courts of all levels, while pointing out the advantages as well as limitations, shortcomings and causes of such shortcomings.

3. On the basis of the theoretical study and investigations on the practical situation of appellate trial of criminal cases in Vietnam to meet the requirements of crime prevention and combat, the thesis provides scientific forecasts on factors influencing the appellate trial of criminal cases and proposes measures to improve the quality of appellate trial of criminal cases to meet the requirements of criem prevention and combat in the coming time.

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