On March 30th, 2017, the PPA
organized Closing ceremony of training course on “Crime prevention in the
context of international integration” for officers and students of the Royal
Thai Police Academy (RTPA).
This is one of the recent
cooperation activities between the PPA and the Royal Thai Police Academy
Attending the closing ceremony
were Senior Colonel, Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Dac Hoan, Vice President of the PPA;
representative of Foreign Affairs Department, Ministry of Public Security;
representatives of functional units of the PPA; The lecturers and participants
of the training course.
After 11 days of training, the
officers and students from the RTPA studied the topics on: the identification
of transnational crimes; investigation of high-tech crimes and some measures to
prevent and suppress in Vietnam; tactics to suppress public disorder, riot, etc.
In addition, the officers and students from the RTPA experienced the content of
against public disorder, practiced shooting, drove large engine motor, visited
some provinces to learn more about the country and people of Vietnam.
took souvenir photograph with participants of the training course
Speaking at the ceremony, Senior
Colonel, Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Dac Hoan, Vice President of the PPA hoped that
following the success of this training, the cooperation activities between the
two Academies would continue to be promoted in order that the officers,
lecturers and students of two Academies have the opportunity to learn, exchange
experiences in their study and research.