Within the framework of cooperation activities of the Association of Police Training Institutions in Asia (APTA), from May 14th - 17th, 2017, the PPA assigned officers to attend the 1st meeting for liaison officers of APTA members hosted by the APTA Secretariat and the Philippine National Police Academy in Manila, the Philippines.
The meeting also had the participation of the training of other APTA members, including the Kingdom of Cambodia (National Public Security Academy of Cambodia); South Korea (National Police University of Korea, National Police Training Institute of Korea, Police Investigation Academy of Korea); The People's Democratic Republic of Laos (People’s Police Academy of Laos); Malaysia (National University of Malaysia); Mongolia (Law Enforcement University of Mongolia); Thailand (Royal Thai Police Academy); The Philippines (Philippine National Police Academy, National Police Training Institute of the Philippines).
In the framework of the meeting, the representatives actively exchanged the following contents: strategies and orientations for development of activities of the Association and members; the Draft of General Rules and Procedures when joining the Association's activities to the formal adoption at the First APTA Annual Meeting in Korea.
Representatives took photograph at police station of Makati district
At the meeting, the police training institutions proposed the organization of training, exchanging experiences in the police training, crime prevention and suppression according to the purposes of the Association. Accordingly, the PPA proposed organizing a training program for students of APTA police training institutions in September 2017.
The National Police University of South Korea would host the following programs: Science Research Contest for teachers, researchers of police training institutions, the contest would be held twice a year, the first one would be held in October, 2017 with the first APTA Annual Meeting in Korea; advanced training on cyber-crime prevention and combat for APTA members; training on negotiating tactics in emergency situations.
The Royal Thai Police Academy proposed the organization of a short training course on crime prevention strategies for students of APTA members. They would host the the second APTA Annual Meeting in 2018.
According to the APTA Secretariat, the meeting was successful and ensured the defined objectives. From the positive comments and discussions of the training institutions, in the near future, APTA will have many practical activities in the region to develop and assert the position of the Association in the international arena.
After the meeting, the representatives visited and worked at police station of Makati district, Manila, listened to reports on the organizational structure of the Makati district police as well as information about the crime prevention and suppression, the situation of security management in the locality.