In order to meet the requirements of
innovation, improve quality of education management, towards modernization and
enhancing the efficiency of IT application in education and training, on
January 7th, 2016, the PPA organized the
Ceremony on announcing the decision on recognizing the high quality training
program issued by by Ministry of Education and Training and launching the
system of IT applications in education management in the PPA.
Attending the ceremony were Assoc.Prof.
Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Phung - Acting Director of Department of Higher Education -
Ministry of Education and Training; Nguyen Manh Hung - Main Expert in charge of
monitoring the Public Security training Institutions, the Department of Higher
Education, Ministry of Education and Training; Lieutenant Colonel,
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Hoai Nam - Deputy Director of Training - MPS; representatives
of the Board of Directors, Board of Managers of the Public Security training
Institutions in the northern region. On
the side of the People's Police Academy, there were Lieutenant General, Prof.
Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem - President; Major General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Huy Thuat -
Vice President; representatives of leaders of the functional units in the

Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Phung - Acting Director of Department
of Higher Education -
MOET congratulated the PPA at the Ceremony
Over 48 years of development and growth,
the PPA has gradually asserted the position and role in the higher education
system of the Branch and the Nation. The education and training of the Academy
has been gradually developing and contributing greatly to the Cause of
education - training of the Public Security forces.
With orientation in training the high
quality human resources, the PPA has already actively launched the project
of the high-quality training for the
undergraduate level in two majors, including the Crime Investigation on Social
Order and Criminal Forensic Science. After the deep assessment of training
capacity, on December 14th, 2015, the MOET has issued the decision to certify
to deploy two high-quality training programs of the PPA. This is the new step
in the process of striving for becoming the key institution of the Nation in
2018 and confirmed that the PPA is the first training Institution of the MPS
for training the high-quality bachelor.

of MOET presented the decision on
recognizing the high quality training program
in the PPA
Besides, with the theme
"Standardization - Computerization" in the academic year 2015 - 2016,
the PPA has further improved the efficiency of applications of scientific and
IT achievement in training management, such as: Application the software in
credit training system, E - learning system, the software on managing and
operating the internal documents; the online classroom system; web portal of
the Training Management Department; the lecturer management software;
management software on emulation and commendation and the musical flower
garden. These are the critical IT applications to help accelerate and enhance
the efficiency of the training activities, ensure the accuracy of the data
management and support quickly and promptly the direction and administration.

of the MOET, MPS and the PPA put the button
to open the system of IT application in the education and training
Speaking at the Ceremony, Assoc.Prof.
Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Phung - Acting Director of Department of Higher Education -
MOET highly praised and congratulated the PPA, also proposed the PPA to focus
on implementing the standards from the entrance selection, improving the
quality of training, linking theory with practice in order to build the PPA to
become the key training institution at the national level, developing the human
resource for the public security force in particular and for the agencies of
internal affair sector in general, meet the needs of the society.
On behalf of the Board of Directorate of
the PPA, Lieutenant-General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem - President has
recognized the achievements in education and training of the Academy in recent
years; praised the Training Management Department which has been dynamic and
creative in the role of permanent consultancy for the Board of Directorate on
the work of building the training programs and contents. Also, he desired that
the PPA would continue to receive the attention and direction of the MPS, MOET
to assist the development the People's Police Academy to become key training
Institution in 2018.

delegates took the memorial photograph
On this occasion, the PPA has launched
the system of IT applications in the education management in the PPA.
Translated by Gia Linh