On April 18th, 2017, the PPA held Conference for commending typical models in study and practice for the period 2015 - 2017.
Major General, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of the PPA attended and chaired the Conference. Attending the conference were Colonel, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Can Van Chuc, Deputy Director of the Training Planning Department, Ministry of Public Security; representatives of the functional units of the PPA and the parents of typical students in the movement of studying and practicing for the period of 2015 -2017.
The conference was organized to summarize, assess the results of the movement of studying and practicing; praising the students with excellent achievements in study and practice, thereby replicating typical models, contributing to promoting emulation movements among students of the PPA.
Leader of the Student Management Department
reported the results of the movement in study and practice
Since the academic year 2015 - 2016, the PPA has launched and successfully implemented the movement in study and practice with many positive results. The practice of the students always has a good results, the rate of disciplined students reduced to under 0,4%, many collectives and individuals are rewarded at all levels. A lot of students with bad training results become the good and excellent students. Especially, through the launching, organization of the emulation movements, many collectives and individuals are discovered, such as class B10 - D40, class B11 - D41, class B2a - LT31, class B10 - D40, student Nguyen Hoang Hai (B10 - D40), student Le Thi Thuy Linh (B11 - D40), student Dinh Van Tu (B9 - D41), student Nguyen Van Duong (B3b - LT31), etc.
Representative discussed at the Conference
Speaking at the conference, Major General, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of the PPA congratulated the collectives and individuals who had achieved excellent results in the movement of good training and practice in the period of 2015 - 2017. For the emulation movement to achieve high quality and efficiency, the Vice President of the PPA suggested to study and renovate the organization of emulation movements how to support the professional tasks.
Leader of the Student Management Department
presented Certificates of Merit to the individuals
The collectives were awarded by President of the PPA
The Vice President of the PPA required that every student of the PPA, especially the typical models, must be exemplary, leading in all activities of study, practice and participation in the movements; actively research, accumulate theoretical knowledge, practical experience, supplement the soft skills; always practice the will, cultural behavior, execute the regulations of the Force and the PPA to express the "brand" of PPA students, contributing to preserving and promoting the good image of the police officers.
Major General, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of the PPA
presented Certificates of Merit to the typical collective and individuals
In the past two years (2015 - 2017), the movements of good study and practice have been successfully launched and deployed among the PPA’s students. The movements has discovered many advanced models, contributing to the education of politics, thought, lifestyle, promoting the dynamic, creative spirit of the students to assert the position of the PPA among the police training institutions in particular, the system of universities nationwide in general.
Representatives, parents and typical students took memorial photograph