Information on new academic and theoretical contributions of thesis of Postgraduate student Nguyen Van Tinh

Name of the thesis: “Applying arrest methods in drug crimes investigation


Field of study: Criminology and criminal investigation      Code:

Full name of researcher: Nguyen Van Tinh                           Course: 15

Thesis supervisors:

Prof. Dr. Duong Minh Gioi

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Van De

Training unit: The People’s Police Academy - Ministry of Public Security

New academic and theoretical contributions of the thesis:

1. The thesis carries out the theories of arrest methods in drug crimes investigations, such as definition, characteristics of drug crimes, objectives, and law regulations on arrest methods in drug crimes investigation.

2.  The thesis explains the theories in the field of law and professional methods of arrest in drug crimes investigation of the Police Force, such as definition, requirements of arrest, application of methods to arrest in drug crimes investigation, the coordination between the Drug Crimes Investigation Police Force and other forces during the arrest process and in other related typical situations.

3. The Thesis is a comprehensive study of the current application of arrest methods in drug crimes investigation, including analysis on crime situations, investigation results, dealing with drug crimes from 2006 to 2014, systemized characteristics of drug crimes which influence the application of professional methods of arrest in crimes investigation; surveyed, analyzed and clarified the current activities of application arrest methods of the police force on drug crime investigation from 2006 to 2014 as well as the coordination between the Police Force on drug crimes investigation and other forces during arrest process. The Thesis presents the recommendations and assessments on the results, as well as implications and causes related to application of drug crime investigation methods.

4. The Thesis presents a new system of comprehensive solutions to improve the effectiveness of arrest methods in drug crime investigation in the future. In each solution, there is a focus on clarification of the content and implementation requirements, systemization of solutions which reflect uniformity, feasibility, and suitability of practical investigation of drug crimes.

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