Information on new academic and theoretical contributions of thesis of Postgraduate student Bui Van Thanh

Thesis title: “Criminal investigation of harboring or consuming assets obtained by another’s guilty in the area of South provinces”.

Major in: Criminology and Criminal Investigation


Name of research student: Bui Van Thanh.

Academic titles of the instructors: Associate Prof. Dr. Trinh Van Thanh  

Educational Institution: The People’s Police Academy.

New contributions of the thesis:

The Thesis research  a number of investigations on the cases in general and crime prevention of harboring or consuming assets obtained by another’s crime in particular of scientists in the country and abroad . Since then put problems that the Thesis need further research to clarify the operation of the police force of Criminal Investigation on Social Order in criminal investigation of harboring or consuming assets obtained by another’s crime.

The Thesis researched to clarify the fundamental content, help to solve the problem: Perceptions of crime harboring or consuming assets obtained by another’s crime. Theories of Criminal Investigation harboring or consuming assets obtained by another’s crime by the police force of Criminal Investigation on Social Order. The concept and characteristics of criminal investigation harboring or consuming assets obtained by another’s crime. The investigative activities and situations attached to specific investigation of crime harboring or consuming assets obtained by another’s crime. Having relations and coordination in the investigation.

In research methods and typical survey, workshops, seminars, exchanges, thesis outline the situation, relevant features and characteristics of crime harboring or consuming assets obtained by another’s crime in the south provinces cities; The situation of the forces organization and operation of the police force of Criminal Investigation on Social Order in criminal investigation of harboring or consuming assets obtained by another’s crime. Since then draw the results, limitations, shortcomings, difficulties and obstacles in the process of investigating this crime.

The thesis analyzes the prediction of criminal situation of harboring or consuming assets obtained by another’s crime and the factor that impact, affect the operation of this type of crime investigation of the police force of Criminal Investigation on Social Order; offer solutions, proposals and recommendations to improve the operational efficiency of the police force of Criminal Investigation on Social Order in investigating these crimes in the future.

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