Better-learning emulation contest on Reconnaissance
Leaders of Department of Anti-economic related Crime Investigation presented flowers for the teams

Attending the Contest were representatives of the functional units of the PPA; leaders, lecturers of Department of Anti-economic related Crime Investigation and students of the Department.

The Judge assessed the answers of the teams

Through the Contest, the students were equipped with the basic knowledge of reconnaissance of the police for Anti-economic related Crime Investigation, grasped the issues related to the professional measures of reconnaissance. With the participation of 04 teams: B4a-D36, B4b-D36, B4a-LT28 and B4b-LT28, the Contest went through 4 respectively parts: Introduction, Quickly reconnaissance, Discover the secret and Attempt to do reconnaissance. In particular, the competitive part for the audience in the Contest attracted a large number of students in the hall to join in, many of them received the meaningful gifts from the Board of Organization.

The Contest was one of the extracurricular activities with practical significance, it created the useful and healthy playground for the PPA’s students, helped the students to have the opportunity to exchange and strengthen the knowledge in order to improving the effectiveness of preventing and combating crime in the new situation.

Representative of the Judge awarded the teams

At the end of the Contest, the 1st prize belonged to the Team No.3 (class B4a - LT28), the 2nd prize was the Team No.1 (class B4b - D36), the 3rd one belonged to the Team No.2 (class B4a - D36) and the Team No.4 (class B4b - LT28).

Written by Leu Quang Minh

Translated by Cong Phuong

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