On November 15th, 2014, the
Ministry of Education and Training in collaboration with the Department of
Environmental Science and Technology (ENST) held the ceremony of selecting and announcing
the prize "Talent young scientists of Vietnam" for the students in
2014 at the PPA.
Attending the ceremony were
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ta Duc Thinh, Director of ENST; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Trong Hung, Deputy
Director of the ENST. As for the PPA were Lieutenant General, Prof.Dr. Nguyen
Xuan Yem, President of the Academy; Major General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Nhat, Vice
President of the Academy and hundreds of leaders, officers, lecturers and
students of the relating units.
Beginning the ceremony, Assoc.Prof.Dr.
Ta Duc Thinh stated the opening speech and announced the decision to establish
nine councils to select the first prize, second prize and the prize
"Talent Young Scientists of Vietnam" in 2014 for the students. Following
was the welcoming speech of Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem, President
of the PPA.
Lieutenant-General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem spoke
to welcome participants
at the ceremony
This year, the scientific works are
very plentiful and diversified, belong to many different fields such as Natural
Sciences, Social Sciences & Humanities, Science and Technology, Agriculture
... in which the majority of themes have high-practical applications such as: Designing
the 3D plastic printer, Criminology features of crime using the Internet to
appropriate property, study on the diversity of the kinds of Aphibia in the Sop
Cop nature Reserve, Son La...
Students presented their the scientific works
According to evaluation of the Selection
Council, this year, the themes had the high quality, expressed the creativity
of students; the choice of topics derived from the demands of real life. All themes
were exhibited to evaluate by the Examination Board and comment by the public. List
of awarded themes would be announced publicly after having the official
decision of the Ministry of Education and Training.
The participants took photographs after the ceremony
The ceremony of selecting and announcing
the prize "Talent young scientists of Vietnam" for the students in
2014 took place successfully, contributing to promote and enhance the capacity
of organizing the important events of the PPA, as well as contributing to
encouraging the scientific research movement in the whole students of the
Written by Do Hung
Translated by Xuan Thanh