Information on new academic and theoretical contributions of thesis of Postgraduate student Bui Van Hoan

Thesis title: State management of forensic examination in the People’s Public Security.

Major: State management of security and order                           Code:

Name of PhD student: Bui Van Hoan                                                  Course: 25th

Scientific title, degree and full name of the supervisors:
    1. Professor, Dr. Nguyen Dac Hoan;
    2. Associate Professor, Dr. Tran Hong Quang.

Name of training institution: The People’s Police Academy - The Ministry of Public Security

New contributions of the thesis:

1. The findings of the thesis will help clarify the theoretical issues related to the state management of forensic examination in the People’s Public Security.

2. The findings of the thesis will help clarify the situation of the state management of forensic examination in the People’s Public Security. At the same time, the thesis conducts a survey and assessment of the practical aspects of organization, force and current state management of forensic examination within the People’s Public Security from 2013 to the end of 2023. Thereby, it clearly identifies the achieved results, limitations and the reasons for the shortcomings in the state management of forensic examination within the People's Public Security over the past 11 years. These are issues that have been studied in a relatively comprehensive and systematic way for the first time. The findings are new points that have not been previously addressed in any published research.

3. By doing research and survey of the current situation, the thesis provides scientific predictions about issues related to state management of forensic examination within the People’s Public Security in the coming years. On that basis, the thesis proposes solutions to improve the efficiency of State management of forensic examination in the future, aiming to continually improve the quality of forensic examination activities within the People’s Public Security. This contributes to ensuring the legal rights and interests of agencies, organizations and individuals in society as a whole and effectively supports legal activities in particular./.

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