Information on new academic and theoretical contributions of thesis of Postgraduate student Duong Thi Thu Minh

Thesis title: Government administration of criminal police’s international cooperation on organised crime prevention.

Major: State management on security and order                   Code:

Name of PhD student: Duong Thi Thu Minh                              Course: 22nd

Scientific title, degree and full name of the supervisors:
    1. Prof, Dr Nguyen Dac Hoan;
    2. Assoc. Prof, Dr Bui Ngoc Giap.

Name of training institution: The People’s Police Academy - The Ministry of Public Security

New contributions of the thesis:

1. The thesis has comprehensively and structurally developed fundamental theories and concepts, including:
- Building tool concepts of organised crime, international cooperation of criminal police on organised crime prevention, government administration of international cooperation of criminal police on organised crime prevention.
- Analysing and identifying legal basis (at national and international levels), rules, characteristics, and to build 4 main theoretical contents of government administration of criminal police on organised crime prevention, including: building and amending legal basis; planning; executing; inspecting, reviewing and summarising activities.

2. The thesis has reflected context, characteristics and realities of government administration on international cooperation of criminal police as followings:
- Surveying, reflecting on organised crime’s prevalence and characteristics, as well as the criminal police’s international cooperation realities. Especially, the thesis has made significant examinations and comments on the structure of criminal police organisation, realities of government administration of criminal police’s international cooperation on organised crime prevention (from 2010 to 2022) such as: enacting laws and under-law documents, participating in international treaties and agreements, planning government’s management activities, executing government’s administration procedures on processing and exchanging criminal information, mutual legal assistance on criminal matters, extradition, international arrest warrants, cooperating in investigation; as well as examining, inspecting and reviewing activities.
- Thus, the thesis has come to scientific conclusions and comments on advantages, causes and limitations of government administration activities, in which the thesis focus on main issues: legal basis, organisation structure, execution and management mechanism; limitations, prevalence issues and practical requirements to improve government administration activities in relevant matters…

3. The thesis has presented scientific forecasts and solutions to enhance effectiveness of government administration on international cooperation of criminal police in preventing organised crime:
- The thesis has presented scientific forecasts of prevalence and development of organised crime, advantages and disadvantages that have impacts on government’s administration; introduced significant, suitable and feasible solutions in implementing legal basis, enhancing police organisational structures, management mechanism, cooperation activities, building crime database and material facilities … to enhance effectiveness of government administration on international cooperation of criminal police in preventing organised crime.

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