Information on new academic and theoretical contributions of thesis of Postgraduate student Dang Cong Hung

Thesis title: Investigating violations against regulations of law on banking operations and banking-related activities.

Major: Criminology and Criminal Prevention     Code:

Name of PhD student: Dang Cong Hung Course: 2013

Scientific title, degree and full name of the supervisors: 
1. Prof. Dr Bui Minh Thanh 
2. Prof. Dr Nguyen Dac Hoan

Name of training institution: The People’s Police Academy - The Ministry of Public Security.

New contributions of the thesis:

1. In terms of theory, the thesis has made an important contribution to supplementing, gradually improving and enriching the theory of criminal investigation science in general and the theory of investigating violations against regulations of law on banking operations and banking-related activities in particular; for example, the thesis points out typical characteristics of violations against regulations of law on banking operations and banking-related activities as well as clarifies theoretical issues of investigating violations against regulations of law on banking operations and banking-related activities in accordance with the functions of Police in charge of investigating economic crimes. 

2. The thesis evaluates relevant situation and the reality of investigating violations against regulations of law on banking operations and banking-related activities by Police in charge of investigating economic crimes over the period from 2010 to 2019. In addition, the thesis highlights the achievements, states different shortcomings and limitations as well as points out a number of causes. Basing on that, the thesis has made forecasts and proposed solutions to improving the efficiency of investigating violations against regulations of law on banking operations and banking-related activities in accordance with the functions of Police in charge of investigating economic crimes in the coming time. 

3. In terms of practice, the thesis's guidelines can be used as reference documents for Police officials and investigators of the local Police force who directly prevent and combat economic violations against law regulations on banking operations for the purpose of improving the efficiency of investigating violations against regulations of law on banking operations and banking-related activities.


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