Information on new academic and theoretical contributions of thesis of Postgraduate student Dang Thai

Thesis title: Prevention of abuse of trust by appropriating assets in the banking sector according to the function of economic police in the centrally- controlled cities.

Major: Criminology and Crime Prevention


Name of PhD student: Dang Thai  Course: 21st

Scientific title, degree and full name of the supervisors:
1. Dr. Vuong Manh Hung
2. Assoc. Prof. Dr Tran Nguyen Quan

Name of training institute: The People's Police Academy - Ministry of Public Security.

New contributions of the thesis:
1. The thesis supplemented and refined the theory of prevention ofabuse of trust by appropriating assets in the banking sector according to the function of the economicpolice force: Concept, characteristics of preventive activities; the legal basis for identifying, assigning and decentralizing agencies in the field of  prevention ofabuse of trust by appropriating assets in the banking sector; contents and preventive measures; leadership, direction and coordination in the field of prevention abuse of trust by appropriating assets in the banking sector.

2. The thesis investigates and assesses the current situation of organizing forces and takes measures to prevent abuse of trust by appropriating assets in the banking sector of the economic policeforce in 5 centrally - controlled cities; draw comments, assess the achievements, limitations, shortcomings and causes of limitations and shortcomings in the prevention of this crime of the economic police force in 5centrally - controlledcities.

3. The thesis proposed factors influencing the prevention of abuse of trust by appropriating assets in the banking sector of the economic police force;providing solutions system to improve the theory and the effectiveness of crime prevention this kind of crime under the function of the economic police forces in 5 centrally- controlled cities.

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