Information on new academic and theoretical contributions of thesis of Postgraduate student Le Ngoc Bay

Thesis title: State management on security and order at the festivals according to the People's Police force’s function of the Northern provinces and cities. 

Major: State management on security and order          Code:

Name of PhD student: Le Ngoc Bay            Course: 22nd

Scientific title, degree and full name of the supervisors:
1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Hai Au;
2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoang Ngoc Binh.

Name of training institution: The People’s Police Academy - The Ministry of Public Security

New contributions of the thesis:
This thesis is systematically and comprehensively research on state management on security and order at the festivals according to the People's Police force’s function of the Northern provinces and cities. The new contributions of the thesis are summarized as followed: 

1. The thesis surveys and evaluates a number of domestic and foreign studies that had accessed relating to the state management on security and order at the festivals according to the People's Police force’s function, thereby drawing out contents that the thesis needs further research and settlement.

2.The thesis builds and supplements the theoretical background for the festivals and state management on security and order at the festivals according to the People's Police force’s function in the Vietnamese context. It included: Concept, classifications of festival; the main features of the festival related to security and order; concepts, characteristics, legal basis, contents, and measures for state management on security and order at the festivals, responsibilities and coordination in the state management on security and order at the festivals according to the People’s Police force’s functions.

3. The thesis investigates into the operation of the People’s Police Force and the coordination between People’s Police Force and other law enforcement agencies in performing state management on security and order at the festivals in the North of Vietnam in the last 10 years. It also identifies the strengths, limitations of the work and explaining the causes of those limitations. 

4. The thesis makes the relevant forecast and proposes several solutions in order to enhance the efficiency of state management on security and order at the festivals according to the People's Police force’s function of the Northern provinces and cities in coming time.


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