Information on new academic and theoretical contributions of thesis of Postgraduate student Le Quoc Hung

Thesis title: Prevention of smuggling on Vietnam - Laos border route based on the functions of the Economic Police.

Major: Criminology and Criminal Prevention          Code:

Name of PhD student: Le Quoc Hung        Course: 2013

Scientific title, degree and full name of the supervisors: Prof. Dr Nguyen Xuan Yem.

Name of training institution: The People’s Police Academy - The Ministry of Public Security

New contributions of the thesis:

1. Theoretically, the thesis contributes to supplement, enrich and gradually fulfill the theoretical system of criminology and crime prevention in general and the prevention of smuggling on border routes based on the functions of the Economic Police in particular, such as to clarify the basic characteristics of smuggling on the border routes and theoretical issues about prevention based on the functions of the Economic Police force;

2. Based on the specific research methodologies, the thesis has analyzed the situation of Vietnam - Laos border route and characteristics of smuggling on this route. In addition, this thesis has assessed the prevention of this type of crimes based on the functions of the Economic Police of Vietnam - Laos border provinces from 2011 to June 2020. Accordingly, the thesis has showed up the key findings in the causes and conditions of such kind of crimes. At the same time, it has pointed out the limitations in conducting the preventive strategies of the Economic Police of Vietnam - Laos border provinces;

3. Practically, based on the theoretical basis developed and analytical findings, the thesis has recommended the practical solutions in prevention of smuggling on Vietnam - Laos border route based on the functions of the Economic Police to the fulfill the theory and supply guidance in practice for Economic Police in other localities with similar characteristics.

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