To strengthen the cooperative relation
and the cultural exchange with the traditional partners of the Russian
Federation, on 17th December, 2013, Senior Colonel, Dr. Tran Minh Chat,
Vice President of the PPA received Mr. Alexey Yurievich Lavrenev, Director of
the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Hanoi. The Meeting was attended
by Mr. Phung Trong Toan, Director of Pushkin Institute; leaders of the Department
of Foreign Languages, International Cooperation Division and Russian-language lecturers
of the Department of Foreign Languages of the PPA.
At the Meeting, on behalf of the PPA’s
Directorate, Vice President of the PPA thanked the Russian Center for Science
and Culture for arranging time to visit and work with the Academy. Besides, he
briefly informed some cooperation activities between the PPA and some training institutions
of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in recent years. He
also informed that with nearly 30 staffs, teachers and including some leaders
of the Academy who had studied and graduated from institutions of higher
education, postgraduate of the former Soviet Union and now the Russian
Federation, one of the most important missions of the PPA was stepping up the
exchanges of science, culture and education with the Russian Federation; especially
nowadays, lecturers and students, who have been teaching and studying Russian
in the Academy, began to be strengthened. Additionally, the PPA’s library was finalized
with the section of foreign language materials including the Russian Culture
and Education corner. Therefore, the PPA and the Russian Center for Science and
Culture should consider the cooperation on improving capacity for Russian-language
lecturers of the Academy and building the Russian Culture corner in the library
of the PPA in order to consolidate the materials resources of teaching and
learning Russian as well as promote the understanding and exchange between the
two countries.
Colonel, Dr. Tran Minh Chat, Vice President of the PPA
worked with Mr. Lavrenev
Alexey Yurievich,
Director of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in
In the traditional and open spirit, Mr.
Alexey Yurievich Lavrenev expressed his excitement and thanked the Directorate
of the Academy for warmly welcome. He informed preliminarily about the
activities of the Russian Science and Culture Centre in Hanoi and the situation
of the Vietnamese community living in the Russian Federation. Mr. Lavrenev confirmed
that he would always support the relationship and solidarity between the two
countries and also support greatly the Academy in the future. In the coming
time, the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Hanoi would give the PPA
some books which were classic works in Russian literature, had been transferred
to Vietnam in the previous official state-level visit to Vietnam of Russian
President V.V. Putin. Then, the Center would connect the PPA to the training
institutions of Russia in order to collect materials and books which serve the
task of teaching Russian, teaching and researching law, etc.
Colonel, Dr. Tran Minh Chat presented souvenir
to Mr.Lavrenev Alexey Yurievich,
Lavrenev Alexey Yurievich
Mr. Lavrenev also said in 2014, the
Center would help the PPA to participate in the annual exchange program, namely
helping Russian-language teachers to join in the fact-finding courses in the
higher education institutions of Russia to exchange experiences. This program would
be carried out twice per year and each would last 3 months.
At the end of the Meeting, the Vice
President of the PPA, on behalf of the Board of Director, recognized the
exchange ideas between the two sides, thanked the Russian Science and Culture
in Hanoi and hoped that the cooperation between the two sides would become stronger
and the Academy would get more help from the Centre.
The Russian Center for Science and
Culture in Hanoi was officially inaugurated in September, 2003, however, before
that, it had played an important role in strengthening bilateral relations among
state associations and organizations of Russia and Vietnam in the fields of science,
culture and commerce. In recent years, a series of seminars and roundtable meetings
with the participation of representatives from the Russian Federation has taken
place in the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Hanoi. The Center always
pays attention to introduce basic aspects of domestic and foreign policy of the
Russian Federation to Vietnamese public. By the means of mass communication, the
Center tries to bring to Vietnamese public the objective image of the modern
Russia in the difficult period as well as the great physical and spiritual
potentials of Russia. The Center has collaborated with the press, radio and
television to carry out a series of essays and interviews on the subjects of
Russia and the specific activities of the Centre in Vietnam.
One of the most important activities of
this Center in Vietnam is to execute a program of the Russian Government on the
dissemination and development of the Russian language. On that basis, the Centre
organizes Russian-language courses with many different levels. The traditional
activities of the Center have always attracted people who love Russian in Hanoi
and Russian club is held on every Friday afternoon. The Russian-language
teachers and students of universities in Hanoi are regular readers in the
library of the Center with various books in Russian and the high-speed internet
access system. |
Written by Nguyen Đinh Đat
Translated by Quach Ngoc Thanh - B10D39