On April 19th, 2017, the PPA held the Opening Ceremony of the 1st Lecturers’ Teaching - in - English Contest.
Attending the Ceremony were Major General, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of the PPA; Senior Lieutenant Colonel, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Hoai Nam, Deputy Director of Training Plan Department, Ministry of Public Security; members of Board of examiners and lecturers who participate in the Contest.
The 1st Teaching - in - English Contest takes place in the context that the PPA is renewing and promoting innovation in every aspect, especially education and training to create a new breakthrough on the way of becoming the National standard education institution. The Contest is held in order to encourage lecturers to renew their teaching - in - English method. It is also the chance for them to exchange experience in teaching and doing scientific researches. Through the Contest, we can evaluate the lecturers’ proficiency and English teaching skills. Consequently, we can have proper methods to improve the quality and the capacity for the lecturers. This would help create a professional environment for teaching and studying English in our Academy and contributing to the success of the 2020 Foreign Languages Project in the PPA...
The representatives attended the ceremony
There are 14 lecturers of the Faculties, Departments and Centers with foreign language proficiency attending the Contest. They studied through joint training programs between the PPA and the University of Maryland, USA or other foreign language training programs taught by the universities in Vietnam and have the ability to teach in English. The Board of examiners will evaluate the results of the examination through 3 parts: report of lesson, teaching practice and knowledge tests.
The lecturers presented flowers to the Board of examiners
Speaking at the Opening Ceremony, Major General, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of the PPA required some following contents:
First, it was necessary that the organizing Committee and standing unit as well as other related functional departments provided the best preparations for the contest, such as the administrative procedures, teaching facilities and other conditions.
Second, the heads of departments involved should reschedule as well as assign their members to attend so as to encourage their colleagues who are taking parts and bring a competitive atmosphere during the contest.
Third, it was required that all lecturers obeyed the rules of the Contest strictly, use English fluently in presentations, discussions and class-room management.
Next, the Board of examiners and Secretariat were requested to work with the honest and straightforward in order to ensure quality and fairness of the contest and to provide the best results.
The representatives and the lecturers took memorial photograph
It is confirmed that, the PPA is the pioneer training institution to organize the Teaching - in - English Contest for the lecturers. On this occasion, the Vice President of the PPA highly appreciated the initiative consulting of the related functional units, such as the Department of Training Management and the active participation in the 1st Lecturers’ Teaching - in - English Contest of the lecturers. He took this opportunity to thank the Training Plan Department, the General Political Department of the Ministry of Public Security for the support to the such Teaching Contest in the PPA in general as well as the active English teaching and learning in particular; and also hoped that double numbers of lecturers would attend the 2nd Teaching - in - English Contest.