On December 21th, 2017, the PPA held an event to honor and meet students with high achievements in competitions such as international informatics and programming Olympiad, English Olympiad for non - major English students: Olympiad of Marxist - Leninist and Ho Chi Minh Thought related subjects and the scientific research competition held by the Ministry of Education and training.
Major general, Associate Professo,- Dr Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of the PPA, together with leaders of functional units, staffs and teachers of the Training Management Department, Foreign Languages Department, Faculty of political theory and social sciences and almost 500 students attended the event.
Dr. Trinh Minh Duc - Deputy Manager of Training Management Department presented the final report of the competitions
In the school year 2017 - 2018, with a view to competing in achievements to celebrate the 50 years of PPA’s traditional day, PPA’s teams took part in competitions held by Ministry of Education and training, Ministry of Public Security, political - social organizations and achieved good results.
1. In the national Olympiad of Marxist - Leninist and Ho Chi Minh Thought related subjects held by the Central Ho Chi Minh Youth Union and the Ministry of Education and training, the PPA asked the Deputy of political theory and social science to form a team of 7 students from D40 and D41 and organized for the team to revise and take part in the area competition in April, 2017. The team got the first prize in the team category of the affiliated board.
2. In 2017, the PPA is honored to be the host of the preliminary round of the scientific research competition by the Ministry of education and training. Among the teams of the PPA (15 members in total), a team got the second prize with the research about the use of international surveillance camera system in preventing crimes and how to apply it in Vietnam, 3 teams got the third prize and 2 teams got the consolation prize.
3. In November, 2017, the PPA became the host to the English speaking contest and talent contest for non - major English students from 6 police schools in the North. After 3 rounds: preliminary, online and final with stage performance, the team from the PPA got the first prize for the whole team, the gold prize for the talent show and the silver prize for the speaking part.
4. With a view to building a smart PPA, focusing on developing the information technology, finding and encouraging the talent in informatics among students. In December, 2017, for the first time, the PPA sent a team of students to the 26th informatics and programming Olympiad and the contest for international programmer: ACM/ICPC Asia in Ho Chi Minh city.
Major general, Associate Professor, Dr Dang Xuan Khang - Vice President of the PPA presents the non - English major team with flowers
Major general, Associate Professor, Dr Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of the PPA gave flowers and honored papers to the teachers and students with high achievements in the informatics Olympiad
Attending the event, the students listened to the precious sharing words from the guests: Colonel, Associate Professor, Dr. Hoang Binh Ban, head of the Department of criminal enforcement and judicial assistance; Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Loan, Deputy head of the Faculty of political theory and social sciences, student Bui Duy Trung (first prize in the international informatics and programming Olympiad), student Dao Viet Hoang (leader of the English talent - speaking team. They answered the questions about the methods to learn foreign languages, learn informatics subjects, improve the self - study skill, maintain the love for foreign languages and above all, it is about how to be aware of the importance of foreign language to each student. At the same time, the event allowed us to have more experience in taking part in Olympiads and scientific research competitions in the future, thus suggesting bettering methods and orientations in enhancing the quality of education.
Guests shared opinions at the event
In the meeting, Major general, Associate Professor, Dr Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of the PPA sent his congratulation to the teams, guiding teachers and students that achieved good results in the competitions. He emphasized that in recent years, the PPA has always been renovating the methods of teaching foreign languages and informatics subjects to adapt to the internationalization trend. In details, the PPA successfully organized the first PhD thesis presentation in English in the police school group; held the first English speaking contest for non –major English students in police schools in the North, organized the teaching competition in English. The results were quite good, demonstrating the efforts of the staffs, teachers and students of the PPA.
Besides, with the guidance from the party committee of theDirector Board, international cooperation with foreign universities is unfailingly heightened, contributing to the training of human resource for the PPA. In the near future, the PPA will promote the acquired achievementsand continue to build the lecture system and teaching documents in English to improve the language skills of the staffs, teachers and students. All in all, we are determined to build a smart PPA, aiming to become a national highlighted education center in 2019.
Delegates took photo together at the meeting
Mai Linh