Information on new academic and theoretical contributions of thesis of Postgraduate student Nguyen Anh Tuan

Thesis title: Investigation of fraud in performance of duties according to the functions of the Economic Police force.

Major: Criminology and Crime Prevention                  Code:

Name of PhD student: Nguyen Anh Tuan                       Course: 25th

Scientific title, degree and full name of the supervisors:
    1. Prof. Dr. Tran Minh Huong;
    2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Truc.

Name of training institution: The People’s Police Academy - The Ministry of Public Security

New contributions of the thesis:

1. The thesis systematizes and analyzes to clarify the theoretical understanding of fraud in performance of duties. In particular, the thesis generalizes and introduces the concept of fraud in performance of duties; analyzes and points out the legal characteristics of fraud in performance of duties. The thesis also analyzes and clarifies the theory of investigating fraud in performance of duties including the concept, characteristics and the process of conducting investigation of fraud in performance of duties. At the same time, the thesis clarifies the direction and coordination of forces in investigating fraud in performance of duties.

2. The thesis surveys and evaluates the current state of organization and investigation of fraud in performance of duties during the period from 2013 to the end of June, 2023 of the Economic Police Force. In particular, the thesis also clarifies the activities and measures carried out by investigators of the Economic Police Force in investigating fraud in performance of duties.

3. The thesis systematizes, summarizes and provides comments and assessments on the advantages and results achieved in practical activities of investigating fraud in performance of duties according to the functions of the Economic Police Force. Simultaneously, the thesis clearly pointes out the limitations, shortcomings and causes of limitations and shortcomings when investigating fraud in performance of duties. These assessments are objective, which help to understand the investigation of fraud in performance of duties deeply and closely to reality.

4. The thesis makes scientific predictions which are close to the trends of fraud in performance of duties currently as well as the impacts and influences on investigation activities of this crime. The thesis also proposes solutions to help investigators of the Economic Police Force improve the efficiency of investigating fraud in performance of duties. These solutions have not been mentioned in published research works before.

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