Information on new academic and theoretical contributions of thesis of Postgraduate student Nguyen Tien Son

Thesis title: Investigate crimes of abuse of position and power to appropriate property according to the functions of the Economic Police force.

Major: Criminology and Crime Prevention                  Code:

Name of PhD student: Nguyen Tien Son                        Course: 24th

Scientific title, degree and full name of the supervisors:
    1. Assoc. Prof, PhD Tran Nguyen Quan;
    2. Assoc. Prof, PhD Nguyen Hai Hung.

Name of training institution: The People’s Police Academy - The Ministry of Public Security

New contributions of the thesis:

1. The thesis is a fairly complete, comprehensive, and systematic research work in both theoretical and practical aspects on investigating crimes of abuse of position and power to appropriate property according to the functions of the Economic Police force in Vietnam.

2. The thesis has researched and developed awareness of investigating crimes of abuse of position and power to appropriate property; introduced the concept of investigating crimes of abuse of position and power to appropriate property; point out the specific issues of investigating crimes of abuse of position and power to appropriate property; forces, means, measures, coordination relationships, leadership and direction in investigating crimes of abuse of position and power to appropriate assets of the Economic Police forces.

3. Based on the survey of the current situation of investigating crimes of abuse of position and power to appropriate property by the Economic Police force, the thesis has made comments and evaluated the advantages achieved; limitations, shortcomings and their causes in investigating crimes of abuse of position and power to appropriate property.

4. The thesis has raised a number of new issues related to the process of applying evidence collection measures in investigating crimes of abuse of position and power to appropriate property.

5. Based on the study of theoretical and practical issues in assessing the current state of criminal investigation, the thesis proposes solutions to supplement and complete theory and improve the effectiveness of investigating abuse crimes. positions and powers to appropriate property of the Economic Police forces.

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