With the consent of the Party Committee, the Directorate of
the PPA, on May 12th, 2016, the PPA’s Office hold the Launching
Ceremony of Legal library under the chairman of Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr.
Nguyen Xuan Yem - President of the PPA.
Attending the Ceremony were Major General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen
Van Nhat - Vice President of the PPA; representatives of the functional units
and all officers of the PPA’s Office.
Under the leadership of the Party Committee, the Directorate
of the PPA, the PPA’s Office actively coordinated with relevant units to built the
Legal library located in the Legal Team of the PPA’s Office to serve the need
of searching the legal documents, the legal work of the officers, lecturers and
students of the PPA.
General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Yem - President of the PPA
presented the
monographs to the Legal library
After nearly 02 months of preparation, with the support of
the Department of Legislation and Public Administration Reform - Ministry of
Public Security and other units in the PPA like Logistics Division; Center of Criminology
Research and Crime Investigation; the leaders and officers of the PPA’s Office,
the Legal library was basically completed with nearly 100 material titles
including monographic books about the legislation, laws and police science such
as the pack “Complete work of Ho Chi Minh” (15 volumes); the pack “Vietnam’s Reconnaissance
Science” (3 volumes); the pack “Vietnam’s Criminology” (3 volumes); the pack “Vietnam’s
Police Science” (9 volumes); training materials on legislation, etc.
At the launching ceremony, Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr.
Nguyen Xuan Yem - President of the PPA; Major General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Nhat
- Vice President of the PPA; Major Dang Anh Tuan - Deputy Chief of the PPA’s
Office pulled the covered cloth to officially launch the Legal library - the
work to celebrate 48 years of the PPA’s establishment (May 15th, 1968
- May 15th, 2016).
The Legal library would become the effective tool, have the
important role in the work of teaching and studying in the PPA, be a form of
propaganda and dissemination of guidelines, laws of the Party and State to the
officers and students of the PPA. At the same time, the launching of Legal
library would facilitate the execution and monitoring of the implementation of
the guidelines, policies and laws to serve the State management, legal
protection of the lecturers and students of the PPA.
took memorial photograph
Also at the Ceremony, Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr. Nguyen
Xuan Yem - President of the PPA presented the valuable monographs to the Legal
library with the desire: the Legal library would further grow in the coming time; really
become a place to preserve, exploit and efficient use of legal materials to
serve the needs of study and scientific research of the officers, lecturers and
students of the PPA
Written by An Nhien
Translated by Nhu Mai