Our country is incoming
international integration, which is the golden chance for us to interact, exchange
information and coordinate with nations in the world with a view to achieving
an all-round development. Nonetheless, to reach this target, it requires the joint
endeavor of the Party and the civilian, among which the Vietnamese student
forces - the young scholars of the country need to pioneer and integrate
confidently into the world.
Over the past years, students in the whole country
under the guide of the Vietnamese Students Association have promoted their
talent and youth, contributed to building and developing the Fatherland. The
image of young, intelligent, enthusiastic and energetic individuals who are
studying, training and conducting the science research has always been a
beautiful one that is worth to the high praise and great encouragement. Today,
most of our students have recognized their significant roles and missions in
this age of the master international integration. They are all conscious to
prepare themselves with the essential knowledge with a view to achieving
self-improvement and a firm career. It is their intelligence, agility and
creativity that allows them to broaden their social circle and to approach news
on a wider scale, to connect and learn inside as well as outside the homeland,
to grasp the chance of self- improvement, to advertise the Vietnamese image
with foreign partners and partly to raise the national position with the powers
in the world.
The effective integration is the determining
factor of each student on his path to improve himself and build a stable
career. Furthermore, it is also a significant criterion to vote for the best
student of the year which was awarded by the Vietnamese Student Association.
Aiming to meet this standard, the students are required to reach a certain
level of languages and computer technology, which are considered as the two keys
to unlock the giant knowledge treasure of humanity.
The group of research students and the instructor of the PPA won
the first prize in “Vietnam Young Science Talent Award” in 2014
Being realized the significance of mastering the
knowledge of languages and computer technology, nowadays, nearly all of universities
in the whole country have applied these two subjects into the training
curriculum. Now that the young, well-educated, active and creative students
have the opportunity to study in educational institutions with the high-qualified
lecturers; therefore, they have advantags in learning the languages and
computer technology. In fact, many students have a good ability of using
foreign languages, together with informatic technology. This capacity enables
them to read and understand foreign materials including news, writings and
documents and to communicate effectively to the foreigners and exchanging the
information to study the culture of other countries and absorbs the human
knowledge. Learning computing well can help the students quickly search for
information and effectually boost their study and work. However, it should be
emphasized that studying languages is not only to learn the vocabulary and make
the sentences by the rules but its ultimate purpose is referred to effective
communication, which is requiring the students to simultaneously learn the
foreign cultures to sensibly express themselves. Likewise, the computing
learning is attached to the purposes of better learning, work, interaction and
healthy entertainment, not to lawbreaking.
Students now need to acquire not only knowledge,
social skills but also the courage and confidence. Our nation has merely
started the integration process yet confronted the numerous difficulties. As a
result, only when the Vietnamese students dare to show their talent, to face
the challenges, to concede their defeat and never give up, the country could be
well-integrated. The students who are an expert at language but afraid of
communication, grasping their chances could not become the efficient
individuals. In the age of advanced technology, a click can open you to mass
information which has to be filtered so that one should not be badly affected
by the malicious news. Besides, it is also essential to firmly fight against
offences, wrong information which has a negative effect on civil life and the
national development.

The PPA students join in the shooting training course
In the trend of globalization, the PPA students
have gradually been striving to study and training themselves to fulfill the
heavy obligation entrusted by the Party and the People. The PPA is one of the
vastest institutions of scientific training and research of the Ministry of
Public Security. Apparently, students in this Academy are the future police
officers. The Party and civilians have allocated the police forces to the task
of combating against criminal behaviours and offences, to tighten national
security and social order. It is an honoured yet heavy responsibility that
calls for the restless effort of each and every student.
The economic cross-nation globalization has been
being promoted national advancement but at the same time, created many
challenges, especially these of high-tech offences and money laundering… The
crime takes place not only in a national scale but also in coordination with
foreign suspects. In reality, a successful combat against crimes calls for
international cooperation among the police forces of worldwide.
Today, the Party Committee, the Directorate
Board of the PPA along with all the officers and teachers have been assisting
the students to integrate. The numerous PPA students have been sent to study
abroad in Thailand and Russian Federation where they are approaching the
criminal investigation training course of different countries in the world, to
organize the students exchanging programs for the Days of Traditional
Diplomatic Relationship between Viet Nam and other nations; to interact and
help Laos, Cambodian, Korean, Palestine students who are currently following
the training curriculum in the PPA,…
The PPA students guided the university examination information for the youth
In the PPA, the students are required to reach
politics standard, law knowledge and police speciality and a certain language
and computing level, which are also their graduation criteria. Police students
must pass B certificate of informatic technology and one of these following
languages: English, Chinese, Russian; and higher qualifications for students of
Language and Anti-High-tech Crime Investigation Speciality. Reaching \above standard
requirements, the students of the PPA are well-equipped with core essentials
for international integration.
Being aware of their responsibility, the PPA students
together with students across the nations will try their best to overcome all
the obstacles, to study and train day-by-day, to contribute to bringing about
internal success on its way into globalization. It is hope that all students
will always be examples and confident individuals, creating the beautiful images
of a potentially developing Vietnam
in the eyes of our foreign friends.
Written by Vu Van Ninh
Translated by Quynh Phương