On March 27th, 2015, the delegation of Historical
and Scientific Research Department, the Ministry of Public Security of Laos led
by Director, Senior Colonel, Dr. Van-huong Nan-tha-chac visited and
worked at the PPA.
After the meeting with the Lieutenant General, Prof. Dr.
Nguyen Xuan Yem, President of the Academy, the delegation had the meeting and
working with Major General, Dr. Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of the PPA. Attending
the meeting were also Mr. Nguyen Xuan Ngoc, Deputy Director of the Historical
Institute of the Public Security force and representatives of functional units
within the PPA and some former officers and lecturers of the former 12-75 College
of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam.
Major General Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of
the PPA spoke at the meeting
At the meeting, Major General Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of the PPA
introduced to Deputy Director of the Historical and Scientific Research of the
Ministry of Public Security of Laos and members of the delegation some
remarkable achievements in recent years as well as the direction of development
in the future of the PPA. Director, Senior Col. Dr. Van-huong Nan-tha-chac was touched
when revisiting the Academy where he was trained and proud to see the
development of the PPA in recent period. In addition, Director, Senior Col. Dr.
Van-huong Nan-tha-chac hoped to
receive the help of the PPA’s leaders and all officers, lecturers who had worked
for the former 12-75 College in implementing the Project on summarizing the training
cooperation history between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and the
Ministry of Public Security of Laos. The Vice President of the Academy, Major General
Dang Xuan Khang reiterated that the PPA would be helpful to support all up-coming
activities of the Department of Historical and Scientific Research and hoped
that this traditional relationship between the two sides would be more
Director, Senior Col. Dr. Van-huong Nan-tha-chac presented the souvenir
to Major
General Dang Xuan Khang, Vice President of the PPA
At the end of the meeting, the Vice President of the PPA, leaders of the functional
units within the Academy and the delegation of Historical and Scientific
Research Department visited the traditional museum, the Literature temple of
the PPA. After, the delegation had the meeting with Lao’s students who are studying
at the PPA.
Delegation took photograph at the Monument of President
Ho Chi Minh
Written by Hoang Anh
Translated by Bich Lan